Friday, April 25, 2008

First blog

Hello! I am trying a new blog website out, just trying to find ways to keep our friends and family connected especially Matt. It has now been almost 3 months now that he has been gone and we still miss him dearly. Gabrielle asks for him everyday all day long, today was a bad day for her. She kept saying she wanted him in her car(our van), wanted to hold him, and wanted him home. All I could do was hold her and agree and shed some tears.

Gabrielle talks like CRAZY! She will say anything and everything! She can count to 12. Say all her ABCs. Say her colors and point to something and say the color of it, and the other day she pointed to a shape and said thats a circle! I cant believe it. She is a great big sister and an amazing daugther, although she is in that terrible 2 phase..I still love her! She is not sleeping in her bed yet..I am trying so hard. both of them are still in my bed! It has gone on for almost 3 months now. I am worried to put her in her bed at night mostly because she SCREAMS, crys, and talks in her sleep. Her being in anothe rroom would scare me more, and also she screams and crys when I try to put her in her bed.

Kaiden is getting so big! He is around 16lbs now! He will be 4 months old on May 7th. He has rolled over a handful of times from his tummy to his back. He is starting to like tummy time and pushes all the way up on his hands, and he will usually scoot almost all the way in a circle. As well he LOVES to sit up. When he is being held anything anywhere. He keeps trying to sit up in his carseat even when buckled in, when I am holding him he will pull himself to a sitting up position.
So far not another ear infection, I hope he doesnt get one, I am almost on week 3 of no dairy at all, we were thinking that was a cause to alot of problems with him main one, ear infections. So we are praying he doesnt get another ear infection and that it really isnt a dairy intolerance for him because it is kind of hard to not eat dairy but I am have done really well.
Thats all for now, dont know what else to update about. I am trying to figure out how to do pictures I tried uploading one but it was HUGE. So I need to resize them!