Saturday, July 26, 2008

Still around

We are still alive! Just have been very busy, to update. I wont post pictures right now, because I don't have the time, but will very shortly :)
We are leaving this week to go back home to visit family and go to our Annual Family Campout!!! I cant wait, this is the first one without Matt, even before we were married, he still came with us. Gabrielle keeps asking if Daddy is going to be there with us to go camping. So I think when he comes home for R&R we just might have to go camping here in good old Oklahoma.
We have been busy playing with friends, shopping, baking, and trying to stay alive from all this heat. Its so hot not even fun to go outside. If you want to go play outside you have to like at 6am.
Gabrielle is getting so big! She was sick this week with a high fever (103)and screaming and crying her back hurt. So I took her to the doctor they did a urine test and said it might be a UTI and gave her ABX....and said they would call us to let us know if it is a UTI and if that is the right ABX..they never called and never returned my phone calls. So I don't know, by Tuesday morning she was feeling just fine and back to her self be bopping around! She now weighs 23lbs! She is talking in so many sentences, my dad and Judy were here last weekend just for a day, not even 24 hours, to help my sister Brooke move and of course they had to come visit us and their Grand kids. We went and ate dinner that night when we left Gabrielle saw the moon, it was big, beautiful and yellow! Gabrielle said, Hi moon, my name is Gabrielle, I am 2! It almost made me cry, she is growing up to fast! She is also getting her 2 year molars so that is not fun. She talks like she is a teenager not a 2 year old. I have been told by some friends that her and I are spending too much time together haha!
Kaiden is 6 1/2 months old now! He weighs 19lbs. So different from Gabrielle. She didn't weigh 19lbs till probably 18months old. Not for sure. We have our first tooth too! As well different from Gabrielle she didn't get her first one till 10 1/2 months old. So he has been fussy with that, and we are battling thrush REALLY bad, which that has made him fussy because it can get in their GI tract and made them VERY gassy. Of course it has gotten there and the past two days he has been so gassy its terrible. He has been screaming and crying and tooting all day and night. Last night was better. We started using this stuff called Gensen(sp) Violet, which stains EVERYTHING purple! I will have to take a picture of his mouth, its cute but a mess, and kind of embrassing. Hopefully it goes away fast. Also he is starting to sleep better finally, his doctor wouldnt help me with his sleep problem, I think she thought I was crazy and didn't fully understand what was going on. I will fill you in, he goes to sleep at 8pm every night then wakes up between 10pm-11pm EVERY night SCREAMING bloody murder he isn't hungry he is in pain. Me holding him doesn't even make him stop he is crying, whining, and very restless. This last ALL night long, he may sleep for 5mins to an hour then start all over screaming again.This has been going on for over 6 months now. Not normal! I have tried everything, so when Gabrielle went to the doctor Monday, I asked her about Kaiden she said could be colic, or acid reflux. So she gave me some Zantac for him. He hates the taste of it, but it has WORKED! He still wakes up around 10;30pm every night but just for me to hold him, think he is just used to it because it has been happening for over 6 months now. But he goes back to sleep, and stays asleep.. I can actually lay him down while I get ready for bed around 11ish and he doesn't wake up screaming, before if I laid him down his legs will fly up and he would just start screaming! So that is a good thing, just need to get rid of his toots! Man that was alot!
Matt is doing ok, he is having a hard time. Very ready to be home and with his wife and kids. It has now been 6 months. WOW It has gone by fast, but also its been a miserable 6 months. He is really starting to miss us and tell me all the time. But it makes me feel good that he misses us and cant wait to be home, but also sad because he has no on there. I have the kids, friends, church, and family that is closer than for him. R&R which is him coming home for 18days will be here soon, sometime in September, hopefully. We are so ready for it! Gabrielle keeps talking about all the stuff she is going to do with Daddy when he gets home. These things are, going to Walmart, movies, take a bath, camping, ride in the van, going on a helicopter, take her to the park, play with her, go to church, and just about anything else she can think of :)
Okay longer then I thought! Next post will be pictures! I promise!
We are very ready to go home and spend time with family just not looking forward to the drive at all! Actually I am dreading it and having anxiety about it!

Enjoy your weekend!

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