Wednesday, July 30, 2008

We made it!

After our miserable trip (driving) back in April to KS/MO, I have dreaded it so much! Well I knew we were going to have to do it again by ourselves. So we left Tuesday around 10:50am. Got on the road Kaiden fell asleep right away, Gabrielle watched her shows. Then she started screaming she wanted her book, so that woke Kaiden up. He was fine for about 45mins, then he started screaming, so we had to pull overr and give him his pacifier that wasnt helping. So I nursed him and made sure he wasnt poopy. Kept driving had to stop again about 5 mins later. He fell back to sleep and drove for awhile. He woke up and got fussy again so we stopped to get a late lunch. Matt called so we talked to him while we were eating. Everyone went potty and changed Kaidens diaper, got back on the road again. Drive for awhile then got off at the wrong exit! Drive for 5 gas turned around......drove back those 5 miles. We kept driving....pulled over cause Kaiden was freaking out again, tried calming him down then a cop pulled behind us, to make sure everything was ok. So we drove and got off at the next exit and I fed Kaiden cahnged his diaper and we all went potty.
Drove again he fell asleep, we got lost about 3 more times! haha, had to pull over so Gabrielle could go potty in her little potty in the van, she said I have to go poop REALLY bad! So we pulled over and she went!
Finally go to my moms at 7:40pm! That is some great time for stopping all those times and by myself with 2 kids! Without stopping and driving straight through its 7hours! So we did it in 8 1/2 hours! Would of been shorter if we didnt keep getting lost!

So far so good! The kids are having a blast, other then Gabrielle almost drowning today, getting a bloody nose, its been good! Tomorrow we are going to chuckecheese for Jillians birthday!

Going to sleep now! Night!

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